Random Thoughts: Sequels

Ironically, this is sequel to Random Thoughts: Prequels.

In some sense, I feel that sequels are harder than prequels. The sequels have to live up to the original movie, usually meaning higher stakes and grander scales, and that doesn’t always mean good things.

This is going to be a long one.

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Top 10 Memorable Moons from Manga, Anime, and Games

In light of recent eclipse, I’ve been thinking about moons. Moon has always carried a mystical and mysterious aura, and here are some moons that took this to a new level. Since I couldn’t come up with 30 different moons for different categorizes, this is moons from games, anime, and manga.

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Disgaea 5 Review

So here is the latest entry to the Disgaea series, Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance or Makai Senki Disgaea 5. Disgaea 5 was made by Nippon Ichi Software for the Playstation 4. The game was released rather recently and I had a great time as always with this series!

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